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Edi.io joins Acceleprise, seeks brands for pilot program

Edi.io has joined Acceleprise's second enterprise accelerator class and is looking for companies to pilot its product — an interface that allows companies to filter outgoing social media content before it goes out into the Twitterverse.

Tony Moura, Edi.io's co-founder, reports that UBS Bank, NASA, the FCC, the GSA, and intelligence agencies are already on board to pilot the product.

Moura believes that the appearance of a "catch and hold" filter like Edi.io is timely for companies and government organizations, as President Obama has mandated more citizen engagement. Furthermore, businesses are "encouraged by their marketing and public relations departments to engage with their customers, but their general counsel is risk averse," Moura explains.

Edi.io is a cloud-based service that scans the content of corporate social media accounts to make sure that whatever is going out under the company's brand is appropriate. If the tweet is caught in the filter, the company's social media point person is sent a notification. Edi.io is working on filters specific to HIPAA, FINRA, and the FCC.
The goal is to avoid situations like the social media fail at Kitchenaid, where an employee mistakenly posted a political Tweet from the company's corporate account instead of from the user's personal account.

"The average social media fail costs a company $4.2 million per occurrence," Moura explains. "Why would you want to take that risk? Currently, businesses are reactive. Edi.io gives them control over what is being said ahead of time."

"We do sentiment analysis, too," Moura says. "Are you being your best cheerleader in engagement after engagement? If [the content] is negative, it'll hold and send it back."

Edi.io is currently hiring a Python programmer and a business development professional.

Read more articles by Allyson Jacob.

Allyson Jacob is a writer originally hailing from Cincinnati, Ohio, and is the Innovation and Job News editor for Elevation DC. Her work has been featured in The Cincinnati Enquirer and Cincinnati CityBeat. Have a tip about a small business or start-up making waves inside the Beltway? Tell her here.
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