PARK(ing) Day has come and gone another year. As always, Elevation DC managing editor Rachel Kaufman CaBiked to as many spots as possible while the parklets were up.
PARK(ing) Day is a decade-old event where groups of people turn a street parking space into a mini park (or "parklet"). Maybe it's just a bit of grass and a chair, maybe it's a game of cornhole or a park bench. (One category of "things that go in parks but that we haven't seen in parklets": statues. Let's have a giant statue in a parklet next year, please.)
Some of the parklets we saw weren't very "park"-y--they seemed more like advertising for/by nearby businesses. But PARK(ing) Day isn't just about making new parks. It's about showing that you can block off street parking spaces for a full day yet the city won't grind to a halt. Life went on. The economy didn't tank. Parking is not the only use for this asphalt.
Out of the
roughly 20 parklets out there, EDC didn't make it to many--so we're relying on you to help us round out our photos. Tweet them to
@ElevationDC or send them to
[email protected].

And some images from others: